Friday, 15 February 2013

internet laju yeahhh!!,

Annyeong guys!!,alhamdullilah..internet hari ni boleh tahan laju saya ni pun baru lepas tengok youtube..well so much videos i watch today especially video of ukiss.jyeah!Finally,done watching marathon UKISSME episode 1-5..jyeah i'm so happy when i watch UKISSME..ukiss always make me laugh..i iove to watch this UKISSME because it show the true of ukiss..ukiss always make kissme laugh okay..ahhh i love you ukiss oppa <3..tapi kan UKISSME ni video dia tak lama lah..just 13-15 minit je..rasa tak puas ahh tengok..nak tengok lagi lama..kalau boleh tolong panjangkan show UKISSME ni sampai 1 jam....baru best dapat tengok ukiss lama2..oh yeah..gambar kat atas tu dah tengok kan!gambar kevin dengan kucing..sumber gambar tu dari twitter kevin ehh..okay,saya dah cukup jelez tahap maksimum dengan kucing ni =_=..*flip laptop*..kucing ni boleh pulak menggatal/menggedik dengan kevin..ini sudah lebih =_=..ermmm kucing nampak begitu happy sekali bila kevin sentuh dia..okay jeles dengan kucing ni..untunglah kucing ni =_=.LOL!saya ni dengan kucing pun boleh jeles jugak.hahahaha..okay okay!!kevin nampak cute/manly sangat kat gambar atas ni..ahhhh kyaaaaaaaaa >_<..kevin also tweet and he says "Kissme's who are sweeter than chocolate"...awwwwwwwwwww!!Kevin ahhhh!!!!you make me already melting okay >_<..i love you so much ahhh Kevin oppa!!!Saya cinta kamu Kevin oppa!!<3..awwwwww thanks Kevin oppa,you say like thats..i'm so appeaciate...okay guys!!good news!!good news!!finally AJ oppa tweet something at his twitter..his tweet about his are back!!jyeah and his post some of his selca..kyaaaaaaa so cool his selca..i love it..ahhh i missed AJ oppa so much and finally he tweet something <3..jyeah!!i love you AJ oppa <3..hehehe okay,i will post AJ selca okay..hehehe okay i'm yawning right now!!okay time to sleep..good night..seop night..hoon night..jaljayo..

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